Capturing Your Best Self: The Importance of Updated Portraits


Looking to elevate your personal brand?

Follow the lead of Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah, the director of the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, who used her updated professional portraits as a powerful tool to showcase her ongoing work in activism, accountability, and justice. From social media to conferences, learn how bold and colorful portraits can help you stand out and draw attention to your unique personality and style. Don't miss out on opportunities to make a lasting impression – invest in updated portraits and let your best self shine through!

At the end of 2022, I had the opportunity to photograph the esteemed and wonderful Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah, who is the director of the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD). At the CCGSD, Debbie and her team work To empower gender and sexually diverse communities through education, research, and advocacy. Guided by the goals of the communities in which we work, we undertake our mission with both empathy and compassion since it is what the communities we serve deserve.

However, that’s not the only thing Debbie has been working on! She has used her portraits from our session to showcase her ongoing work within activism, accountability and justice. Take a look at some of the places her portrait has gone!

Debbie has used her portrait on social media sites, like LinkedIn, and Instagram. This allows her to have consistency and promotes her face so that when she’s at conferences or networking events she is easily recognizable. Furthermore, having a recognizable portrait with a bold colour palette is also a great way to start an introduction and conversation!

She’s also used to standout as one of the Advisors for CityShapes , which is a non - profit dedicated to building cities citizens actually deserve. In my opinion (not that I’m biased at all) I’m immediately drawn to the bold and colourful image in contrast to the other portraits featured. I’m intrigued to know more about what this person has to offer since they’re drawing my attention.

And even a close cut of one of the portraits from out session was used as part of promotional material for the Ottawa People’s Commission, who worked on the inquiry regarding the Convoy Protest in Ottawa (2022)!.

All in all, this just highlights how important it is to have updated portraits. You’ll never know where you might need to look your best.

Transform your brand with stunning portraits - fill out the form below and let's get started


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